All right. You "give people millions of dollars" types are really dragging your feet. I may just have to do something to kill the time while I wait. Not that I have anything against time. I bear it no ill will. If I were to meet time in a bar I might just buy it a beer. But just one...if time were to get tipsy who knows what would happen? But I digress...
About the title;
I once heard from a comedian that they were a sitcom...Single Income Two Children Oppressive Mortgage...S.I.T.C.O.M. Not only does that describe me to a "t" but it seems that I may be in a situation comedy as well. I have always said that there is nothing quite so wonderful as the sound of laughter in a living room. I encourage this. And have, more than once, needed to apologize for the new word I taught the kids, the sensibility I offended, or just crossed over the line. Usually, when laughter is the goal, I end up in the another time zone saying something like, "Line? What line? I don't remember seeing a line. Are you sure it's me that did that?"
Another reason I chose this title is that I am CONVINCED that there are people from the comic strips who have installed tiny little cameras all over our house and are recording all the silly little things that happen here to use in their strips. Personally I think it would be decent of them to finally give me a royalty from all of this hysterical material we are providing, but I understand that they would then have to admit what they had done so it won't happen. Additionally, I think it would be nice to know which rooms have the cameras because it would be nice to be able to have at least one room where I didn't need to suck in my gut.
All right, I promise that whenever something happens that makes milk come flying out of the nose of one or more members of the household I will try to convince the parties involved to let me tell you all...even if the names will be changed to protect the hysterical. I may start by telling you about the time SOMEONE fell on his backside while trying to be impressive and jump over a puddle...I meant to do that.
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