I am ahead of schedule for the first time this year! I have an end of the year checklist for my classroom. Materials sorted and put away. CD's burned for the parents with all the kids' pictures on them. Homework graded and returned. Report cards written. Comments made. Keys turned in. Well, I have none of those things done. But I am happy to announce that I have decided to get an early start on my final end-of-the-year ritual this year. I am getting sick.
According to many, many experts (that I am far too lazy to look up) teachers are prone to getting sick during their vacations. I am a teacher, Hippo Fatso, I usually get sick when all the kiddos leave for the summer. (will someone please remind me to look up whether the hippo line is that smartypants term that always makes TV lawyers seem so smart before I publish this. It kinda looks a little mean. I'd hate to look like a fool.) I'm not sure why my body has decided to get a jump start this year but it is making my final week of school seem very bleak.
I know that I am getting sick when it starts to smell like I am outside on a windy, dusty day. I also know that I am getting sick when I crave orange juice. When those two things happen together...I have about three days before I should start buying stock in Kleenex. This year, that should put me smack dab in the middle of the last day of school. hooray
Well that's it. Very short today. I have a long way to go and a short time to get there...Hey, I should have Jerry Reed sing a song about that. What do you think about the nickname 'Bandit?'
Also, I have started a Facebook page for the blog. I am not sure what I get to do with it but if you wanted to click over and "like" it, that would give my ego a boost. Given my current state of health, it MAY JUST SAVE MY LIFE!!! but no pressure. Here's the link.
Do I Really Live In This Sitcom
I will talk to you again when my students have gone for the summer.
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